Wednesday, November 11, 2009

All Shapes and Sizes

“Bob, do you want my pillow?”

“No, I’m fine.”

“Are you sure? I don’t really need mine…”

“No, thanks, I said I’m good.”

“Ok, well, if you change your mind, let me know.”

“I will.”

A pause.

“Bob, I know that this thing you have now is bothering you but we’ll get through this.”

“I know.”

“I mean it Bob! I’m here for you and whatever you need, you just let me know.”

“I will.”

“Even my pillow!”


“So how did it go with the doctor today?”


“Just Ok?”

“Yes, just Ok.”

“Well what did the doctor say?”

“The doctor said I am fine and will continue to be fine for a long, long time.”

“But what about the pain in your leg?”

“Well they’re investigating but they say its not life threatening.”

“But you’re in pain Bob…”

“Yeah,” shrugging.

“So what are they doing about that?”

“What they can, I guess.”

“Can’t they get drugs for you?”

Bob’s brow furrows slightly, his eyes narrow ever-so-slightly.

“You know the answer to that.”

“Well, I’m concerned, I’m scared, and I don’t like it.”

“I’m the one in pain, remember?”

“I know! That’s what’s crazy! I’m scared shitless and you don’t give a fuck, Bob!”

Bob turns over slightly.

“Hey! Be quiet! It’s late!”

“Oh is that it, Bob? Changing the subject again?”

Bob returns to his original position and leans a few degrees closer to face the wall.

“Look, can we just go to sleep and talk about this tomorrow?”

“No, I wanna talk about this now, damn it!”

“I said, quiet down!” a low thundering grumble threatening lightning.

“Ok, I’ll quiet down, but you tell me why you don’t seem to care about this? Why you don’t tell me what the doctor says?”

“Ok, fine. Urgh! I hate this, damn it! Errr…Ok…” mumbled, the frown a mental trench now.

A pause…


Bob slowly sits up in bed.

“Yeah, look, this ain’t easy, I’m not built like you, I just can’t up and share what I’m ‘feeling’,” spitting the last word out of his mouth in haste, like a dirty, uncomfortable mouthpiece.

“It's ok, Bob, you can tell me. You know you can tell me anything.”

“Well, no, not really, I can’t,” blurted in exasperation.


“Well, I can’t really tell you ‘anything’ because you overreact all the time!”

“No, I don’t!”

“Of course you don’t.”

Eyes rolling to the ceiling, but really desiring of heaven, wishing blue skies.

“Remember this afternoon when Matt and Carlos were here and they touched your stuff and you went ballistic!”

“They know they shouldn’t touch my stuff!”

“That’s not the point. The point is that you always overreact,” the trench turning in a canyon.

“No I don’t! And this is all beside the point! You’re supposed to tell me about the doctor, damn it!”

“Yeah, now’s who’s avoiding sensitive ‘issues’,” that same unsavory finale.

“Oh for fuck’s sake, Bob!”

“Ok, ok, I’ll tell you about the doctor… So, he tells me that they’ve ran this test and that and they can’t find shit to explain why my leg hurts like a bitch all the time.”

“Yeah, you sort of alluded to that. What are the doctors here doing about it?”

“How the fuck should I know” throwing his arms up in pursuit of the runaway eyes – “I’m not the fucking doctor!”

“But you should know – it’s about your health first of all and second, you should ask questions!”

“Oh, I should ask questions now!” Oh, the sarcasm.

“Yes, obviously!”

“Right, so maybe next time I go to the clinic you can prepare a set of questions for me to ask the doc!”

Bob’s scores! Direct hit! A proud smirk worth more than what he stole crackles along his lips.

“That way you’ll get what you want!”

“What I want is for you to ask questions when you meet the doctor!”

“Sure babe, ask questions, noted,” deferentially. “Can we go to sleep now?”

Bob lies down and fluffs his pillow.

“No, I’m not finished with you Bob!”

Bob sighs, burrows his head in the pillow. He’s considering changing his mind and asking for the extra pillow offered earlier now.

“What is it now?”

“Well, whenever we have issues, you just shut down and stop talking and I have to pull your teeth out for you to talk to me.”

A muffled “So?” from the pillow swallowing Bob’s head.

“’So’? ‘So’? You think this is funny Bob?”

The ostrich lifts its head.

“Am I laughing?” more than half whispered but still very audible.

“Look, we’re not getting any younger. We live in this shit of a place and –“

“You call this living!?”

“Oh will you shut up! Stop being a freakin’ smart ass all the time! And we have little to show for it. I want to talk to you about our future.”

“Well considering our predicament…”

Bob rolls, faces the ceiling.

“After all this! Are you still going to be with me when we leave this place? Are you going to find someone better than me? More pretty?”

“Oh God! This again! I told you we’re together and that’s it. Stop fuckin’ worrying about it all the fuckin’ time! Seriously, this is getting on my fuckin’ nerves!”

“Answer me!”

“I’ve answered before but for the fuckin’ record, I’m with you, I’ll stay with you, and I’ll likely die with you too!”

Bob is sitting again.

“Oh now you have to get morbid on us! Why can’t you just say that you love me? Maybe get married?”

“Get fuckin’ real! Are you living in Disneyland or what?”

The canyon spreads across Bob’s entire face, a rugged terrain of disbelief and annoyance.

“What? You can’t say it?”

Bob inhales briskly. “Of course I can! I love you! THERE! But this marriage shite…! And I’ll tell you I love you when it feels right. It’s not something you can ‘command’ me to say when you need to hear it! Geez!”

Eye roll, eye roll!

“Right, never about me, always about you! And keep your voice down!”

“Oh, I give you what you want and you’re still bitching?

Bob splashes backward on the mattress.

“I’m going to sleep. Goodnight”

“I said I’m not finished with you Robert Powell!”

“And I said ‘goodnight!’” the smirk is back.

“Oh big macho man, strong silent type, I’m just going to keep nagging and nagging until you acknowledge me Bob!”

“Good night!”

Bob rolls over, fully faces the wall, and pulls the pillow over his ears.

“Maybe I’ll call your mom tomorrow to let her know what a brute she raised.”

The pillow emits a close approximation of “Good night!”

“Oh, better yet, I’ll call your son…”

The pillow is flying away, maybe looking for the eyes…


“Ah, sensitive spot! And keep your voice down!”

Bob leans over the side of his bed, looks down, canyons of annoyance running with bloodthirsty perspiration.

“My son has nothing to do with this. You leave him out of this or I’ll teach you!” says Bob’s wagging hand and pointy finger.

“Ok, I’ll leave him out of it but you have to stick with it!”

“What the fuck do you think I’m doing here? Sunbathing? Playing tennis?”

Bob grinds his teeth, wants to say more, a lot more…

“There we go with the smart ass comments again! I know you’re here, at least your body is, but I have trouble reaching your mind, your heart, your soul.”

“Oh will you cut the bullshit! I’m here and that’s good enough. This is what you’re going to get. If you want more, maybe we’re not meant to be together!”

Bob lays back down so that his puffing lungs can work more efficiently to support his frustration.

“I think we are meant to be together Bob but being together is more than sharing the same space, it means sharing thoughts and feelings!”

“Right, right, darling. You sound like a damn shrink!”

“Well these guys know what they are talking about… usually…”

“Obviously you don’t!” And Bob scores again!

“Why do you have to be so mean with me, Bob? I’m just trying to fix things…”

“Things don’t need fixing. I don’t need fixing.”

“Really? Are you happy Bob? Huh? Are you?”

“Well, yeah, I guess.” Bob silently giggles. “Why is that relevant?”

“Well, if you’re not happy it’s a clear sign that there are things to be fixed!”

“Where did you gobble this shit from? The counselor?” the giggle is now audible and persistent.

“Yes. So?”

“Oh come on, don’t go believing what these guys tell you.” An abrupt snort ends the giggles. “They’re paid to spew this bullshit on people and help you feel more guilty!” Lungs functioning at normal capacity and rhythm.

“It would be hard for me to feel more guilty… and what he said made sense. I’m not that naïve you know!”

“You just keep telling yourself that! Anyway, it doesn’t matter. What matters is – and this is what you said – US.”

Bob’s facing the wall again.

“We matter, not them, not what the doctors think, not what the counselor thinks, not what the priest or the Church think, not what my mother thinks, not what the rest of the idiots out there think. Just you and me Baby. Just you and me.”

“I like that Bob. But you’ve got to be open with me. Trust me. I’m there for you, you know…”

“Yeah, I know, thanks Babe and I’ll try to be better at this feelings stuff but you’ve got to be patient with me.”

“I will. I just get so frustrated from time to time but it usually passes quickly.”

“I know, I know.”

“I love you Bob!”

“I –“

The PA flares:

“Inmates 699073 and 783323, Robert Powell and Oscar Falthorne, be quiet. LIGHTS OUT! Keep talking and you’re both going to spend the rest of the week in solitary confinement!”


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